Coronavirus Parent Update for Daily Procedures

Dear Parents:
We want to let you know of the steps we are taking to protect the children attending the center and the staff who care for them during the COVID-19 outbreak impacting our community and the country.
As always, if your child is ill, you MUST keep the child at home.
Beginning immediately, no child with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, or showing signs of respiratory symptoms will be allowed to remain in the center. We are also limiting access to adults other than staff to enter the building.
If a child becomes ill during the time he/she is at the center with a temperature or respiratory symptoms, we will separate the child from the other children by a distance of 6 feet or place him in a separate room if possible and notify you or your emergency contact to come take the child home.
In terms of general hygiene, these are other steps we will concentrate on and ask that you do also:
— Clean hands frequently with soap and water. Visibly dirty hands should be washed with soap and water.
— Teaching children to cover coughs and sneeze with a tissue or cough into elbow.
— Avoid touching the face with unwashed hands.
— Teaching them to avoid others who are sick, such as those who are coughing, sneezing, or have runny noses.
— Disinfect touched surfaces frequently including toys, door knobs, and handles, counters, rails, tables, etc.
If your household receives instructions on quarantine for a member who has traveled or is directed by the health department to self-quarantine due to illness, please notify the center so that we understand the situation and can work with the health department to help protect others.
This is a changing situation and we will have things to work though so we ask for your patience and cooperation as we work to protect our children and the community. Thank you for your cooperation.