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Introducing MyProcare for Parents


Apple Tree Learning Center is pleased to offer MyProcare, a free online portal for you to
access account information and easily pay tuition. MyProcare is safe, secure and created
with your convenience in mind.

Log in today!

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address (the email you have on file with Apple Tree Learning Center) and
    choose Go.
  3. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email, choose a password, and press Go.
    Then you may:
    a. View your child’s time card, immunizations and more.
    b. Use the Pay button to make a payment with your card. Please note that there is
    an online processing fee for all online payments. ***This portal will replace all previous online
    payment options effective 10/1/17. After this date the link on our Apple Tree Website will be

Parents will still have the option of paying in the centers; however, all credit card
transactions will incur a processing fee of 2.5%. To avoid the processing fee, parents
are now able to pay by ACH with no additional fee. All families on automatic credit
card payments will also need to reregister and complete a new draft form by 9/29/17.
Directors will have these forms available starting 9/22/17.

If you have any questions please see your director for assistance.

Thank you!
Apple Tree Learning Center and MyProcare

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