How can I keep up with what’s going on with my child in class?In addition to a monthly newsletter, we also encourage all of our families to meet with your child’s teacher in the classroom setting and to communicate on a regular basis to learn more about their child’s classroom experience.
Can I sit in with my child in class?We welcome our parents at any time, in any area of the center. We encourage parent involvement, especially on field trips and helping with class parties.
Does Apple Tree Learning Center offer financial assistance?Families needing financial assistance are encouraged to meet with these respected child care affiliates – your local Department of Social Services and
Child Care Aware Now – for financial help.
Does Apple Tree Learning Center utilize a professionally developed curriculum?We teach our children with age-group appropriate professionally developed curriculum such as: Pinnacle and Creative Curriculum through Teaching Strategies.
Are teachers certified or academically trained?We provide professional development training to all staff two times a year. Most of our teachers are degreed or working toward a degree.
Is lunch provided?Yes. We provide a menu for all of our students. Meals are served family style and include food which meet daily nutritional needs, as well as state licensing requirements.
Does Apple Tree Learning Center offer transportation?Transportation is not provided from the home. We do provide transportation from the public schools for students over the age of 4. Contact your center director to determine the transportation options at that location.
What if I decide not to attend or need to pull my child out of school before the end of the year?If you decide to withdraw your child for our care, you are required to give a two week written notice. The Registration Fee is non-refundable.
Where do I drop off my tuition payment?Tuition payments can be made online or at each center location. A tuition payment box is located at the sign-in desk. Payments options include check and credit card. Please see the Center Director to make a payment by credit card. We do offer enrollment in an auto-payment plan for credit card payments.
What if I can’t pick up my child?Can someone else do it? If the individual is not listed on your child’s authorized persons list, you must submit a request in writing via email or fax to the center office with complete information including the individual’s name (exactly as it appears on their state driver’s license) and your information with the name(s) of the child that will be picked up.
What if I am late for picking my child up? If you are unable to pick up your child before the center’s closing time, charges will be assessed at a rate of $15 per 15-minute increments.
Should I stay to get my child settled when dropping them off?As tempting as it may be to stick around after dropping your child off at a center, it is best develop a simple goodbye routine that the child anticipates and allows the transition into the teachers care.
What should I do if my child cries when I leave?Parenting is hard, and separation anxiety for the child and parent is a common occurrence at this age. The best approach is to explain to your child that you have to leave and let them know when you will return. By remaining calm and allowing the teacher to participate in the separation, this will help your child gain trust in their new situation. Your child may continue to cry, but remain calm and follow this same routine each day. If you are still concerned, we welcome a call to the center office to check up on your child at any time of the school day.
What will happen if my child acts up in class?At Apple Tree, the discipline goal is educating and redirecting children. It emphasizes cooperation. If a child is unable to gain control or requires more individual attention, we may contact a parent.
What should I do if my child is sick?Parents must make other arrangement for the care of the at children when they show symptoms of any deviation from normal health. If the child becomes ill at Apple Tree Learning Center, the director or teacher will immediately notify the parents. The child will be kept separated from the group until taken home.
What should I do if my child loses an item?If your child loses an item (i.e. a jacket, crib sheet, or mittens), contact the Center office immediately. All personal items must be labeled with child’s first and last name. It is much easier to return a lost item if it is labeled and it is best to leave any valuable items at home.
What should my child wear?It is important to study the weather reports and dress your child accordingly. Be sure to adhere to the warnings of sudden weather changes and encourage your child to dress for the elements both indoors and outdoors.
Can my child bring a snack from home?No. Apple Tree Learning Center provides food for all students. Snacks are not necessary.
Can I bring in a treat for my child’s birthday?Yes. Parents may send a “store bought” treat to share with the class. All treats must be nut free. Please make arrangements with the teacher several days in advance.
What is the sign in policy?Children must be signed in and out by the custodial parent or adult person approved by the parent(s).
Why do we require a photo of a parent/guardian upon enrollment of my child?A photo is taken of a parent or authorized person for ease of identification and for the safety of your child. This photo is used for verification in emergency situations, off-site field trips, and for on-site center pick up.
What is the registration procedure?Please allow at least a week to complete the Registration Process – here are the steps that must be followed:
Step 1. Schedule and attend a tour of the facility with your child.
Step 2. Complete the Emergency Card and supply your child’s Shot Record to the administrator’s office.
Step 3. Schedule a day for your child to participate in a “Complimentary Day” at the preferred facility. No parent is allowed to attend, and the child must stay for a full day.
Step 4. Schedule a meeting with the Parents and the Center Director. At this meeting you will pay the Registration/Curriculum/ Activity Fee and sign the Student Enrollment Agreement.
Step 5. Schedule a date to return and review the COMPLETE Enrollment Packet with the Director. Once approved a photo will be taken of the parent and/or guardians of the child.
Step 6. Upon completion of all steps, the child can start school.